Every year, 7 Hydraulic Engineering students dedicate themselves to “Het Waterbouwdispuut” by becoming a board member. Every board member has a specific task that contributes to the main goals that our student association has, and is seated for one entire academic year starting from September up until June. Every year we try to improve our association by adding specific yearly goals that are to be achieved that academic year. In this way we aim to be as dynamic as possible, being able to adapt to and anticipate the changing demands of our Hydraulic Engineering students.
Board of ‘Het Waterbouwdispuut’: 2024-2025
Chairman: Coosje Covers
Internal Affairs: Siebren Busch
External Affairs: Ties ter Laan
External Affairs: Famke Michielsen
Foreign Affairs: Joppe de Vos
Educational: Vera van Spronsen
Treasurer: Stephan van Eps