Master Community 1

The Hydraulic Engineering Student Association (‘Het Waterbouwdispuut’) organises a student/TU Delft staff meetup twice a year that focuses on a different particular subject every event. The main aim of the events is creating an informed and well connected climate among the hydraulic engineering students. The first master community of the 17/18 year aimed to focus on track/field choice and what it is like to work for the TU Delft. Since hydraulic engineering covers a wide spectrum of subjects, it is important to inform students as early as possible on their options. The host of the day was dr. ir. Stefan Aarninkhof and our speakers for the day were four PhD’ers from different fields within hydraulic engineering.

After the presentations, students were given the opportunity to have a chat with the PhD’ers and ask for any specific unanswered matters and opinions. From the received feedback from our students we can conclude that the first Master Community was a great success and that the chosen subject was very relevant to our staff and students!


Geplaatst in Past events.

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